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~Ebb Lure~


Ebb Lure Large Eel Skin Model

The model Ebb Lure shown above was designed to be fished in conjunction

with an eel skin. 


The eel skin was pulled up over the plug and then tied off at the groove going around the plug; the hooks were then attached. 


This Ebb Lure also has slots running on the top and bottom of the lure that allow water to enter the eel skin while it was being fished, this caused the skin to expand giving it a more natural look. 


At this time I do know that the eel skin plug came in "three sizes", with a two hook or three hook configuration. The company also made a regular plug; but at this time I do not know how many sizes were available.   


  As of this writing, I do not believe one has been found in its original packaging; some saltwater collectors believe it was sold in a box, other's a bag. Many collectors feel the lures were made in the 1940's-50's; other's believe in the 1960's-70's.

This is truly one lure that collector's could use some help with;

if you have any other information; please let me know.


Ebb Lure Large Eel Skin Model

The lure pictured below is unmarked and while some collectors might disagree with me, I personally believe it is an early Ebb Lure that probably dates somewhere around the late 1930's to mid 1940's.


The lure has cotter pin hook hangers and was designed not to have a tail hook.

Also, the rear hook is a slide on double barbed model that could easily be put on or taken off.

This lure was definitely designed with the use of eel skins in mind.

I would like to hear your opinions on this bait; please feel free to email me about it.


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